サンフレッチェ広島2013開幕イベント 高萩洋次郎
サンフレッチェ広島2013開幕イベント「WE FIGHT TOGETHER 一丸」 2013年2月9日(土)15:30~17:00 @広島駅南口地下広場(広島市南区松原町9番地) 2月3日深夜にテレビ朝日系列でオンエア「やべっちFC〜日本サッカー応援宣言〜」のJリーグ公認キャンプ恒例企画「デジっち」で紹介された通り、中村獅童さんに似ていることをいじられる高萩洋次郎 選手であった。 SANFRECCE HIROSHIMA サンフレッチェ広島Sanfrecce is one of the Japanese professional football league teams, which has its home stadium in Hiroshima-city. "San" means three, and "frecce" means arrows in Italian word. Mori Motonari, who was the prominent daimyo of Hiroshima region in 16th century, said to his three sons "you should get together and stand against together to any enemies. One arrow is easily broken into two, but three gathered arrows are not so broken." This historical fact is the origin of the name of Sanfrecce. You can watch their game at the Big Arch stadium (Edion stadium Hiroshima), which it takes about 40 mins from the center by Astram Line, the monorail.